A Quick, Tasty Mincemeat Cake

I was extolling the virtues of “plain cakes” with a friend recently. In an age where every cake comes topped with an equivalent volume of icing it is pleasant, at times, to focus on the cake itself. Plain cakes keep well and are delicious cut and buttered, not so plain after all!

Finding a jar of mincemeat in one’s cupboard can have you knocking up a batch of mince pies, or even a pan of the mincemeat flapjack a favourite recipe given here in a post, but if you want something a little less rich this “plain” cake is quick to make, satisfyingly moist and quick to disappear.

The cake is made by the “rubbing in” method where soft butter or margarine is rubbed , with your fingertips, into the flour giving the texture of bread crumbs. The other ingredients are stirred in and then the cake is ready for the oven.

Mincemeat Cake

225gm self raising flour
110gm light Muscavado sugar
110gm soften block butter or soft margarine
1 jar mincemeat 400gm
2 large eggs
½ teaspoon mixed spice, ginger or cinnamon

Mix the flour and sugar together and using your fingers rub in the butter or margarine.
Now add the mincemeat, eggs and spice and stir well until all the ingredients are mixed.
Tip into a greased, floured 2lb loaf tin and cook in a preheated oven 160 fan 180 gas mk 4
Cook 60 min. or until a skewer inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean.

Allow to cool on a rack then store in an airtight tin.



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3 thoughts on “A Quick, Tasty Mincemeat Cake

  1. I have made this cake loads of time.Every time it is well received and people who have tasted it ask when I am making more It is moist and very tasty. Thankyou

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